Daily Meditation
Recorded: Jan 30 – Feb 03, 2023
There is a suggested contribution of $25 for this video set. This recording is from the online Daily Meditation: a sitting group which is open to everyone with no previous experience required. Each daily sit begins with a 15 minute talk and is followed by a 30 minute guided meditation.
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with Nina Horne
News that shocks and confuses, delayed meetings, unexpected illness. Our daily experience of life is a changing whirlwind of sensation, circumstances, and experiences both small and large. What is it like to find the places of calm repose in the midst of so much change? Practice finding anchors for the spirit and ground for the body in warm and welcoming community this week.
Day 1: Allowing & Remembering

Day 2: Clear Seeing

Day 3: Discernment

Day 4: Equanimity

Day 5: Compassion